I just want to see some palm trees
2023-05-09, 6:32 p.m.

This is my full year as a full time classroom teacher.
And to say it's been a hard year would be the understatement of the century. Every single day is HARD. There are no other words to describe it. The feeling when I pull into the parking lot every day, is heavy. A giant reluctant sigh as I realize it's time to shut off the engine and go inside. It doesn't help that I have insanely good taste in music and there's always another amazing song about to come on ;)
But sometimes the other drawbacks can be a hard pill to swallow also.
The months that are a complete write off. When you know that you will not see your friends and family for literally weeks at a time because every minute outside of school is still consumed by work. January and June are the obvious ones. February I was sick, March I hit burn out stage with full force.
While it probably isn't always this hard. It will never be a "leave work at work" job.
I love music festivals. It's been a long while since I have been to one. But, I love them.
I just saw a list of all the artists who will be playing Austin City Limits... COOL!!! Across the border? Sure, whatever. Expensive? Yeah probably. October... nope. I can travel around Christmas, Spring Break and summer, there are no other options. I am having some feelings about this tonight. Not that I really had major plans to head to Texas, not having the option is hitting me hard. MY band is playing 3 hours from here the weekend before my report cards are due. I could probably start now and try to be done before then so it's a non-issue. Am I actually capable of this? Fuck no.

life - death


